PHILLIP played football for Wethersfield Parks and Recreation Vikings"

PHILLIP played football for Wethersfield Parks and Recreation Vikings"

Friday, June 13, 2014

   Anyways I did write to Tabor School, Ithaca College and the N.C.A.A. I hear the authorities who give a simple explanation for each and every incident about the athletic motivated incidents and when their done an example is I have all zero's in skilled category of participation, of course the New England Prep School League produced and still produces many of America's Political and Financial leaders. Thee times I my life I had to request Certificates of Assessments & Payments for my Tax Statements from IRS & Treasury, to prove employment. The enemy could have said I was doing this, that and the other thing which they did. Remember a number of times I ad to replace personal documents even High School and College Diploma which have been lost/stolen a number of times. That re-begins with a burglary at my residence in New York City 1986/87, they stole athletic memorabilia such as Varsity Athletic Award Letters and canceled checks to my student loan and car payments, then erased my payment history at the student loan and car Association. I will write to the N.C.A.A. a final time by opening my correspondence with the fact that it's the year 2014 still incidents and these silly explanations, they say "it's in my head", my psyche which is untrue, it's the enemies psyche for actually being so obsessively destructive that would include them evading by giving such simple explanations about incidents and matters. In Pennsylvania the athletic matters go back to Little League Baseball, hey, not so silly, remember the reaction and incidents that followed when I went on T.V. Commercial Callings for Chef Boy R Dee and Ronzoni during my youth, there is the art matters but with such incidents, a " Divesture", I think about when I was asked to submit my art and athletic to the Trusts with the Treasury during my youth, at that time I was in good standing, academic was good also.

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