PHILLIP played football for Wethersfield Parks and Recreation Vikings"

PHILLIP played football for Wethersfield Parks and Recreation Vikings"

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

   Any way regarding my College Football performance as I did post part of a scavenged football scrap book. I have posted enough sports articles,and photographs that actually shows that I was not the poor ball player nor was I the average ball player nor was I the good ball player but the Articles and Photographs of me in College shows that I was a Star Player  who played for one of the best small college football teams in the Country at Ithaca College. Only the Star Player sacks the quarter back repeatedly, intercepts passes, blocks punts an Award Wining Photograph, scores safeties "Touchbacks" and recovers the game saving fumble to help win the National Championship. Of course the Sports Articles failed to mention the touchdowns I scored against St. Lawrence and Bloomsburg State, another safety I scored against Bloomsburg and other interceptions but recorded enough to give the football reader an understanding that the skilled plays I made was a typical game performance of my participation. Regarding the fumble recovery judge for yourself check out the game film short that I did have sent to ABC Sports, Sacramento Bee News, St Mathews School and Church, Kalispell, Montana, Act Theater, Seattle and Italian Embassy, New York City. Yes, make your own judgement by asking yourself did Phillip Bianco simply fall on the football or did he blitz into the Wittenburg State Offensive Backfield near the goal line to recover the fumble? The football game film short of me recovering the game saving fumble recovery near the Wittenburg goal line during the 1979 National Championship is worth getting even if you don't like football but want to see a truth,Phillip Bianco.

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